Hi Irene,

Hats off (no pun intended) to you for supporting your Dad during this difficult time and helping him regain his health. You will always feel good about what you have done here and also the time he's had with your boys.

Love, love the pizza hat. I hope you still have it. All these outfits are fantastic.

I noticed you have a Freja bag in the last photo. I just purchased one and I'm very happy with the quality and price point (US dollars).

Thanks for another great post!!!

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I most certainly do have those hats and will have a hard time parting with them if that day ever comes. The outfits, however - none of them fit me anymore so I had to give them away :(. I love the shape of the Freja bag, and yes, well priced!

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Glad there is a silver lining to your last few months.....This read is great!!! Love your pics, you look fabulous !!! So many new items to ponder......brilliant.....

The Altazarra hat is too good..... and I am seriously thinking about tailored fleece...,bags, shoes, great oversized dresses....Maybe you do better when you don't plan outfits ahead....just a thought (not for BIG events). My brain would explode just planning meals .......cheers to Irene !!!!

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I’m glad you enjoyed and thank you!! There’s been a lot of instant noodles 😂.

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What a gift to spend such precious time with your dad, and I am so glad he is back to health. Loving the photos of you in those wonderful hats ❤️!

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It’s been an eye-opening experience 😂. Re those old photos, I’m consistent! I was still primarily a dress wearer back then 😉.

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As someone who is now on the other side of the planet to see and pay hommage to mum, I know how precious these moments are!! Glad you had the privilege to spend time together. Also indirectly, teaching our children the value of care and respect to our parents .

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🙏🏻 To your last sentence, I hope so! In past Korean generations, perhaps we were taught *too* well 😬

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As a non-sweats-wearer I am consistently inspired by your sweatpant looks!! That Dries sweater is such a great example of a sculptural piece so pairing that with sweats would be so fabulous. Thanks, as always, for the inspo.

PS- tell me you still have that amazing black hat with the ribbon?!

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That’s exactly what I’m thinking about the Dries! Instead of a sweatshirt grab this. I already can tell it’s not as “easy” bc it has structure but I’m hoping it’ll be an easy way to elevate my sweats AND provide friction with skirts! And yes of course I have kept those hats! Sadly none of the outfits fit me anymore so I gave those away. Funny how you’re neither a sweat or skirt wearer yet we find inspiration in each other’s style 😂.

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Truly. We live on different style spectrums!! I used to feel tempted to change my style to be closer to yours and now I just find you inspirational and it changes the way I approach my clothes.

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Hi Irene. Thank you for once again providing inspiration that is both imaginative and eminently wearable. All the outfits are fabulous. I’m intrigued by the Filippa K flannel blazer, as you’ve demonstrated its versatility for both casual and office wear. For reference, do you mind sharing the size you are wearing in the photos? Thanks again for a wonderful post!

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Hi! I’m *pretty sure* FK uses DK sizing so I’m wearing a 34 which I think is US4/Eu36. Just in case I did try the 36 and it is *very very* oversized.

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I think this is one of my favourite issues. You are such an inspiration!

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Ditto. So inspired to play with a dress I debated saying goodbye to and now am so glad I kept!

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❤️❤️❤️ thank you for reading, Sheila!

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I am loving both the tried and true (blue + blue) and the venturing out. That sarong look! The hats! Inspired. XX

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I love this formula for a step by step approach to trying something new but in search of a similar vibe and maybe even function. Genius 🙌🏻

“I reached a point where I got tired of wearing sweatpants and jeans, and began experimenting with my R13 sweatshirt dress. I threw a navy collared shirt underneath, wrapped a printed scarf around my waist like I would a sarong, and topped it off with Liam — the only blazer that would fit over those exaggerated dolman sleeves.”

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First and most importantly, I hope your dad has fully recovered. I can only imagine how heavy the past few months must feel, and I just want you to know I’m thinking of you. I hope you enjoy your last week living together!

And yet, even in the midst of all this, you remain so open, so honest—never shying away from the harder conversations. Watching our parents age is a reality so many of us are stumbling through, but the way you speak about it—with such rawness and grace—makes it feel a little less lonely. I’m grateful for that.

And on a lighter (but no less sincere) note—how do you manage to look effortlessly chic even in the hardest of times? It’s truly an art. Every outfit of yours is a quiet rebellion against the mundane, a reminder that I desperately need to STOP BUYING BASIC BASICS. Thank you, always, for being a source of both wisdom and wardrobe inspiration.

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